I belong to a group called Pamayanan ng Mabuting Pastol (Community of the Good Shepherd) where we practice a contemplative prayer form called Hingalangin (literally, breath-prayer). Seated on a cushion, with spine and head held straight, eyes closed (or half-closed), hands on the lap in a gesture of receiving, we breathe the breath of God and experience "at-one-ment!"
The term hingalangin is coined from two Tagalog terms: hinga (a verb, which means breathe), and panalangin (a noun, which means prayer). It is an active-passive prayer form that develops discipline, patience and concentration. Breathing here is used as a tool to empty the mind of its daily concerns and open it to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit. When one does hingalangin, one just breathe and be oneself before God... allowing God to contemplate on you!
Here are a few tips how you can do hingalangin:
The term hingalangin is coined from two Tagalog terms: hinga (a verb, which means breathe), and panalangin (a noun, which means prayer). It is an active-passive prayer form that develops discipline, patience and concentration. Breathing here is used as a tool to empty the mind of its daily concerns and open it to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit. When one does hingalangin, one just breathe and be oneself before God... allowing God to contemplate on you!
Here are a few tips how you can do hingalangin:
In the privacy of your room, find a suitable place where you can sit at least for 20 minutes without moving.
- Relax you body. Straighten your spine. Hands on your lap, palms up.
- Direct your attention on your breathing and let it go deep and slow. At each inhalation, mindfully breathe in God's breath. At each exhalation, mindfully share the gift of life with the rest of creation. Surely, in a few minutes you will enter into a deeper state of relaxation.
- Whatever emotional state you are in acknowledge it and try to visualize that feeling in your body.
- Remember that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Let God’s Spirit dwelling in you transform that feeling… allow the Spirit to bring you to an experience of peace.
- Together with the Holy Spirit, bless the whole creation with peace!
When you find it comfortable, you may also do it on board a vehicle on your way to work or while taking a relaxing walk! After some time of doing it regularly, you will start to experience inner peace in any situation. You will discover that there are lots of things to be thankful for in our midst!
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