Monday, April 06, 2020

Prayer to St. John Eudes Against COVID-19

Statue of St. John Eudes in Casa de Formacion La Mision in Quito, Ecuador

(A prayer adapted from the composition of Edwina S. Meily.  The original was in Filipino which she also translated to English.)

Our dear St. John Eudes, you who possess a pure love for the most Holy Heart of Jesus and Mary; you who have established congregations, followers along the road leading to the One Heart, journey with us in our suffering and crippling fear as we face the daily challenges of this life.

At the time of the Great Plague in Eurasia, when hundreds around you were dying,you were saved by God because of your obedient, loving and servant heart, so that you may live to serve the weak and the sick, and to bring to them the fullness of God’s Love – the Holy Eucharist – while they were pushed to the edges of society that was forced to abandon them to the throes of death.

We beg you, dear St. John Eudes to pray for us that through the Most Pure Heart of Jesus and Mary, we, together with our families and neighbors, here and around the world may be spared from the scourge of this COVID-19 pandemic. With you we pray, “take away everything in us that does not belong to God!”

We fully trust in the Power of our compassionate and merciful God who never cease to care for his people.


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